A and G

Appreciation and Gratitude are effective coping skills when dealing with a cynical, negative world.

For example, in the morning, when I am off work, I head off to the beach, listen to the waves, and watch the seagulls fly.

I cast my problems and stressors into the ocean and imagine the birds carrying them off.

When I leave the beach, I am at peace and content. I remind myself what I have, and even when I desire more or am upset about an event or circumstance that isn’t going my way, At least I can turn to what I have.

Contrast that with a constant stream of news and social media posts, which tend to breed anxiety, anger, or a comparison trap. So why do that to me?

What can you appreciate today? What can you be thankful for today? Anxiety, Fear, Anger, Doubt, and mistrust are powerful but not all-powerful. You can choose. So what is next?

Try appreciation and Gratitude.

Steven Thompson