Choosing Hope: How I transformed a Career Setback Into Success

In March of 2018, HR informed me that my position as a school principal at an online school was being eliminated. I was given a choice: apply for a new position or leave. It hurt. It felt unfair. I loved my job, cherished the people I worked with, and had received outstanding ratings from my staff in a satisfaction survey. I was more qualified than some of the individuals they chose to keep.

In those moments of anger and bitterness, it was tempting to dwell on the injustice of the situation. But instead, I chose hope.

The Hebrew word for hope, Tiqvah, means "cord" or "rope"—a metaphor for holding on. At first, hope meant wanting my old job back, but that wasn’t an option. Instead, I chose to pull on the rope of hope, trusting that it would lead me forward.

Eventually, I found a new position where the people were kind, supportive, and appreciative of my efforts. My experience was valued. Hope propelled me forward, allowing me to earn a master’s degree and a new teaching license in Special Education in 2022. That same hope pushed me to enter a doctorate program later that year. I excelled in my studies, earning invitations to two academic honor societies. Now, I am completing my dissertation, with plans to defend it in May and be awarded a Doctorate in Special Education.

Hope reminded me that even though one organization didn’t see my value, I was still worthy. Hope gave me the strength to silence my inner critic, the voice that tried to convince me I wasn’t good enough.

Hope is a choice. Even in the moments that feel hopeless, hope remains an option you can choose.

What challenges in your life could you approach with hope instead of doubt?

Steven Thompson