Defining moments
I will pull a card and then put it away during this challenge. I tell myself I don’t feel like answering this question right now. The truth is that since there are 33 cards in the pack, I will eventually have to answer some of the cards I am putting away. With this being the case, I had to make an agreement with myself. From this point forward, whatever the question is, I will go ahead and answer it. This brings me to the question for today. “What is a defining moment in your life, and how did it impact you”? Upon reflection, there are many defining moments in my life, and the impact of each one has been substantial. Moving to Los Angeles, Getting married, becoming a father, pursuing a career in education, pursuing a doctorate, and publishing two novels, are all been defining moments.
Adding them all together, the impact has been this. I am thankful that I pursued them. Each decision has enriched my life and, I believe, has helped to develop, mold, and shape my character. It is difficult for me to pick one moment, so since there aren’t any rules for individuals managing my writing, I will run with multiple moments.