Exciting news
When was the last time you received exciting news? The last two times, exciting news came my way. Last week my son got a notice to attend his 8th-grade awards ceremony. That was exciting news, and then at the ceremony, he won five awards. After the event, it was exciting to see him so happy. Before receiving that news, the most exciting news was that I was selected to speak at the California Private Schools Conference in August. Exciting news is a great way to deal with negativity bias and also get yourself grounded in the present moment. One aspect of this question that resonates with me is that I must battle to get excited internally. My mind is on guard most of the time, and instead of expecting exciting news, I am prepared to deal with dreadful sad news. This can be changed. It is up to me to work on selecting a perspective of expecting exciting news to venture into my life. So how about you? When was the last time you received exciting news?