
This morning in a writing group I was facilitating, one of the participants asked me, “ How did you rise to this level?”

I explained that I was in another group of writers. The individual who created the workshop asked our group if anyone wanted to help out in a workshop she had developed.

I wrote back and said I was interested and joined the workshop.

I answered the call, and I showed up and was generous.

Answering, Showing up and deciding to be generous.

Not traits that you see a great deal if you only expose yourself to the headlines.

We hear a ton about grit, hard work, grind, doing your best, no fear; I am sure you can fill in the blank with a mantra.

Showing up and being generous.

These are traits that have been tested and tried over the centuries.

Being generous isn’t going to protect you from pain and suffering, but it will go a great deal at moving you forward.

Cultivating a habit of being generous is easy. You just need to make a decision to contribute to other people.

It could be donating to a charity, teaching a class, giving your money, your time, your possessions to other people.

Help other people move a bit closer to the success they desire.

This type of attitude doesn’t take away from what we are pursuing.

Enjoy being generous. Just try that.

Being generous is a habit, one that you create, that serves others, and in turn, helps you.

Now it is natural to begin the what about’s and what if’s.

What if they spend the money on ( fill in the blank)- All of these responses tend to be negative.

What if the people I give to are corrupt?

What about the ( insert other causes in the world).

It is wise to investigate and vet out who you give to. In the end, we all do our best. However, we don’t have any control over the behavior of other people. So, in the end, we decide to be generous.

The world is full of generous people. I am sure that you are one of them. So take the time to be thankful that you are blessed to be generous, that you can give to other people and help out when needed.

Steven Thompson