Bouncing Back

Posterior Interosseous. I discovered what it was this week. It is a nerve in my body. Mine is a bit damaged, and my pinky, ring, and index finger don't function properly. This is a bit of a snafu. Without using these three fingers, I am left to type with one finger on my left hand when using a keyboard, or the other choice is to use my thumb and text type. At this moment, I am thankful for google docs. I am in a doctorate program, and even though my hand is working properly, the work is still due. It is also difficult to write. This isn't very comforting because I love to write and am left-handed.

  This allows me to practice what I preach. For example, last weekend, when I had my MRI, I noticed it was very calm and peaceful; I just laid back and listened to the 80's music blaring along with the MRI machine; at one point, the buzz of the machine reminded me of a house music beat.

 Later in the week, I met with a neurologist, who taught me how to listen to my muscles; it didn't even hurt that much when he stuck needles in my arm so that he could hear my muscles play an unrecognizable tune.

 Despite the setback, I found gratitude. Thankful it wasn't painful. Thankful for google docs, so I can manage my workload for school and not miss a beat. Thankful for my wife and her encouragement to see the various doctors. Obviously, this is not what I wanted or desired, but amid an unexpected setback or scenario, gratitude and joy are still possible. I needed to search longer

Steven Thompson