Task Driven Passion
What does it mean to pursue what you are passionate about? One crucial and often overlooked aspect is the daily tasks that no one sees. The tasks aren’t exciting. Tasks don’t make great TED talks. Talking about your Why or getting into Flow has been proven to electrify people at TED talks. Find your Why and Flow sell books, fill lecture halls, and rack up views on social media platforms. Tasks, on the other hand, not so much. A task is opening up your paintbrushes and getting them dirty with paint. A task is setting a daily word count of 500 for 30 days, setting a timer, and ensuring that word count is hit. Tasks force you to wrestle with your inner resistance, and it is the completion of the tasks that help you accomplish your Why and make it Flow. Possibly, if you desire, you can give your TED talk or not. Maybe you will choose to upload your own speech to your YouTube channel. It is up to you, and the good news is that we don’t need permission to start pursuing the tasks connected to your passion. It is ok to check them off, despite those who suggest something wrong about checking off items from a list. Checked-off items on a list are better than having no items and no lists. So, what tasks are on your list today?