The Library

The library is open! I love the library. Wandering the shelves, checking out books, sitting at the table, and writing in my journal.

I missed three things during the pandemic, sitting in a coffee shop, going to the movies, and the library.

A library is a place of peace and joy for me. Filled with memories. I went to the library as a child; in college, I would wander the shelves and pick random books, often they had nothing to do with the classes that I was in. I would check out more books than I could read.

As an adult, when I moved, the first thing I would get was a library card; the joy of living in Los Angeles is that there are libraries all over the place, and your card works at any of them.

At times I would be a fugitive because I kept books too long; I have paid for books that I lost but then ended up finding them later.

I missed the library while it was closed, and now I am happy that it is back open. Make sure you check out a library near you!

Steven Thompson