Time and Energy
I keep a lot of plates spinning. I use a planner to carve out the time needed to complete each project. This way, I know that I can accomplish what I set out to do.
In working with time, I discover that, in fact, I do have enough time to complete all of the projects that I set out to accomplish.
Today in my reflection, I discovered that there is one thing that wasn’t anticipated.
The amount of energy that is used in completing each task.
The time is there, but sometimes the energy isn’t.
So what do we do?
Well, there are several choices; you can push through and fight being tired. You can turn to caffeinated drinks. You can rest and recharge and redo your schedule to maximize the energy that you used and make sure it matches the tasks at hand.
This is hard. To me, not pushing through seems like a cop-out, like I am lowering my standards, not putting forth enough effort.
This is a lie. This is my inner voice not being helpful. Pushing through my lead to task completion, I can say that my best work isn’t done when pushing through constantly.
Part of carving out the time to complete your projects is to consider recharging your batteries. Rest and recharging need to be considered. Your body uses energy, and your body needs time to recharge. The time your body needs is up to you, and you can know when you are at your peak performance and the peak amount of energy needed to finish what you started.
So take a look at your schedule, take a look at the tasks in front of you, consider the energy that you need, and manage that as well as you manage your time, and watch your productivity increase and your anxiety decrease.