What makes you feel loved?
Love a four-letter word. The theme of many songs and movies. There could be hundreds of thousands of songs with the word love in the title. That is not even counting variations of love. For example, loved or lovely. The question for today is based on love. “ What makes you feel loved? This is a hard question to answer. I know when attempts to love me are made. It is harder, though, to feel love. The inability to feel love is often called apathy or emotional detachment.
It also depends on how you describe feeling. For example, is it a thought expressed in action? Or do you know you feel something when you can describe the energy flowing throughout your body?
For the sake of this question. What makes me feel loved is acknowledgment. I appreciate it when others notice my efforts. I appreciate it when people enjoy my company or reach out just because. For example, I felt a great deal of love when my wife and son purchased a hat and some graduation beads at my graduation from my Master’s Degree program last year. Likewise, I feel loved on my birthday when my mother-in-law and sister-in-law sing Happy Birthday in a funny way and when my brothers call and my co-workers purchase lunch for me. In those moments, I feel love and, at the same time, thankful.