Cheat day

Today is a cheat day. What I mean by this is that I am doing my ten minutes without a question. The reason why is that I am sitting outside of my son’s school waiting for him to finish up his afterschool program.

This week was stressful, hard, and emotionally draining. At my job, I seemed to move from one intense situation to another. Difficult conversations and managing my emotions to ensure I remained professional when I sometimes felt a simmering rage beginning to develop in my chest. In these moments, I am thankful I developed meditation and spiritual practice. It is important to observe your inner world to prevent it from entering the outside world. It is like inside of all of us is a wild animal. If the animal remains inside like a zoo, fed and taken care of, it won’t harm anyone, but emotions unchecked and unmonitored can lead to the animal escaping and doing damage to those around you, and this is not helpful to anyone. So take the weekend to be an observer of your inner world. Make it a goal to respond and not react. Acknowledge when you are angry or sad and look for moments of joy and happiness even when it seems counterintuitive

Steven Thompson