What can I do?
I finished the first year of my doctorate program today. Last May, I started a doctorate program in Special Education, and after a year, I have completed 10 classes. This brings me to the focus of the question for today. What can you do that you could not do a year ago? A year ago, I could not celebrate getting straight A’s in a doctorate program and being inducted into the National Honor Society. At 51 years old, a part of me is upset with myself that it took this long to enter into a doctorate program, but this is who I am. I am determined, Ambitious, and disciplined. I can celebrate adding Dr. Steven Thompson to my email signature in a year and a half. There is still a long way to go, but I am closer than ever. I have learned that you develop grit, perseverance, and strength by attempting hard things, and even when you stop, you get back up and try again. Failure is not the end but the first step in your next attempt. You get to pick your perspective. So pick one that is successful, and even if you don’t get the desired outcome, that’s ok. Try again, and again, and again.