Tonight I pulled the following question from my deck of cards. "What would you do if you were not afraid?" The first thing that came to mind was this. I would write more about current politics, religion, and sports if I weren't afraid. I don't because I am afraid of being criticized by people I don't know. For example, people would assume I am a right-wing bigot if I talked about religion or my spiritual life. I am afraid that if I make positive statements about certain individuals, religious people will call me a heretic, light on sin, and question my devotion to God. So that fear prevents me from expressing my opinions publicly on certain topics. So if I weren't afraid, that is what I would do. I should say something different, like I would scale Mt.Everest or Run with the Bulls in Pamplona. Nope, not at all. I fear criticism from people. So what should I do? The easy answer is to confront my fear and engage in that which I fear. That is for another day. Today it's just being honest