
This writer is currently participating in a 31-day show your work challenge. The gist is that for ten minutes a day, I will do creative work and then share it with people. To accomplish this , I plan to answer one question daily from the What is your Word card deck. The deck is published by The deck was a gift from my wife as a Christmas present. 

I am pulling cards randomly, and the deck has 33 cards. Perfect for a 31-one-day challenge. So here we go.

Day One: What did you learn from your biggest regret? I learned from my biggest regret that you can always return and try again. In college, my grades were terrible; I went on to start and failed to complete two master's degrees. The first was in progress when I moved to California; the second was when my son was born. I regretted not finishing those degrees. When I started my new job, the organization's founder suggested I return for a master's degree. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I started my master's and walked across the stage a year ago. I meant a great deal to graduate in front of my wife and son. Soon after, I began a doctorate program, and I am doing great after one year. Last month I was even inducted into the national honor society. I learned from my regrets that we all need a little Rocky Balboa. When we get knocked down, we get back up again. That is what I did. Knocked down in college with bad grades and incomplete degrees, but I had to come back again and finish what I started.

Steven Thompson