Appreciate the small items in your life. Identify what you do daily that seems so minor. Don’t take it for granted. One day it may not function; in that case, you will wish you had been thankful for having it in your life. The items to value are friendships, employment, cars, and the ability to see, walk, type, and use a fork or spoon. We engage in activities each day. Stop and consider the next time you use a fork or a spoon. Pay attention to what you are eating. Where did the food come from? How did you acquire the means to have it on your plate? Pause and inhale, allowing the aromas of your meal to penetrate your nostrils and rise into your brain. Activate positive memories that you associate with your meal. Don’t rush. Take your time to savor each bite. Each moment is special, and taking time to value what it gives will help you be ready for the moments that are a bit more difficult to navigate. Appreciation for the small moments will strengthen you to move through the challenging moments. What will you pause and pay attention to today?