Unfulfilled Desires
Do you have unfulfilled desires? Accomplishments that you pursued but didn't work out? Opportunities missed relationships that ended. Jobs were let go from?
You may have unfulfilled desires in your life, I have mine, but you have two options, stop pursuing them or continue. It's up to you. I do believe, though, that we have in our lives things that at one time were unfulfilled desires, and now we have them; connect with them, enjoy them, be thankful for them, and remember the time when they were just desires that you hoped would be fulfilled and now they are. List them. For me, getting a driver's license, getting a college degree, getting married, becoming a parent, having a career, having positive relationships, and finishing and publishing a novel. I still have unfulfilled desires, and at times it is discouraging and sad knowing that, at the moment, they are out of reach; it is important to acknowledge those emotions. Still, I can use them to guide me as I continue my journey. What desires do you have that were unfulfilled at one point in your life? List the ones that were fulfilled and appreciate them.