A little more care

This time of year, when I am out walking, I usually come across abandoned Christmas trees. Typically, they are on the side of the road, in the alley, or near trash cans. It always fascinates me to think that just a few weeks ago, these trees were decorated, most likely with presents underneath them, serving as the centerpiece of holiday gatherings. Live trees aren’t inexpensive either. It gives me a reason to pause and think about the cycle of value we place on things in our lives. For a brief season, these trees were the heart of joyful celebrations, yet now they are cast aside. This isn’t just about trees—it’s a reminder of how quickly we move on, sometimes without appreciating the moments fully or thinking about what comes next. What if we treated the things we treasure with care even after their “season” has passed, finding new ways to honor or repurpose them?

As you walk past discarded Christmas trees this year, ask yourself: What in my life deserves a little more care and reflection—even when its season seems over?

Steven Thompson