Another Day
Do I have ten minutes? That is the question I decided to ask myself each day. If the answer is yes, then I set a timer and sit down to write. After another successful 31-day writing challenge, I decided to keep it up. So last week, when my son and I were at Barnes and Noble, I purchased a book of 301 writing prompts. The structure is good. So why not use the book for my blog for the rest of the year and into the next?
The structure is on my mind. Should I do the questions in order? Should I pick them at random? I decided to do it in order, then. I didn't like the first question, so I decided to do random. Those questions could have appealed to me more. So the next decision would be the one to stick with. Going in order, it is. Starting at question 1, then moving forward.
Here is question number 1. What is a day you wish you could live over? The approach to this question taught me about how my mind functions. First, my mind cycled through gloomy days, and the hope of altering them stood out. Then I thought to myself the purpose of that would only generate anxiety and regret, so why not choose to relive a happy day. The day I was married came to mind, my son's birth, our family trip to Disneyworld. More positive memories began to flow. Several lessons were learned from this question. One- Face what is awkward and do it. The question generated feelings of discomfort; instead of fleeing the feelings, I simply chose to write. Lesson Two. I have a negative bias. Lesson Three- I don't have to accept a negativity bias; I just need to make a different choice. Focusing on positive experience generate joy and gratitude. What day of joy would you like to relive?