Graduation Night
33 ago. Today's question requires me to reflect on an event 33 years ago. It was a night in June; I am trying to remember what night, Was it a Thursday or Friday? The Pistons were playing the Trailblazers for the NBA Championship. If you were a sports fan in Chicago, you were upset that the Bulls lost game seven to the Pistons in the Eastern Conference finals, but that would've been several weeks before this event. The question for today is to describe the day you graduated high school. It is hard to remember the day. I recall bits and pieces. Picking up my friend Wes and driving him to the ceremony. Sitting in the audience and making predictions on when people would cry. Going out after the event and hanging out with friends. What did I do during the day????
I must have gone to school in the morning and had a graduation rehearsal. What did I wear that day? What shirt? What shoes? What pants? How much money did I have in my pocket? How much was in my bank account? I did know I worked at Dollar Bills after school. My mom was still alive, and my brothers also came to the ceremony. What did I eat that day? I know that I wasn't a coffee drinker back then. In the end, there are a lot of details and specifics I don't remember. So what does that mean? Over time these moments may be stressing us out or giving us anxiety. The good news is in 33 years, you most likely won't remember them. Is that good or bad? I don't know. How about you? Could you describe your last day of High School?