1. What do I want to bring forward into the New Year?
2. What are you committing to creatively for 2023?
3. What do you do when you are faced with unexpected circumstances?
4. How would you schedule a personal software update?
5. What do you look forward to?
6. What can you do outside of work to energize yourself?
7. What do you want to accomplish in the future that you can use your past to guide your decision-making?
8. So, how do you let something go?
9. In your work, can you identify when you need to keep going and delay comfort for a later time?
10. What is your view of Monday? Do you do anything extra to pick yourself up, or are you naturally excited for the day?
11. Think about your goals instead of abandoning them; what small tweak do you need to make them more obtainable for you?
12. What do you do when life gets busy?
13. Tonight could be a time to reflect and recharge, so what activity will you participate in?
14. What is distracting you today?
15. How do you engage in mindfulness?
16. How do you feel about the experiences of pain and tragedy?
Feel free to answer some of these and share them with us.
17. What small goal can you set for yourself and work towards each day?
My simple goal was to write for five minutes every day during January. In addition to writing, my commitment was to publish daily on my blog.
Today is day 31. Mission accomplished! Small goals achieved are better than big goals on paper that still need to be completed or even started. Please make a small commitment to a goal and work at it each day. When you are finished, celebrate. Then start again.
Above us at the beginning of the post are some of the questions I asked during the month.
Next month my challenge is five minutes on my blog. Five minutes on my next novel