Good day, or bad day. How do you answer that question? Or do you follow a process? For example, when I am at work, if nothing bad happens, I get all my work done; I call it a good day. If something unorthodox occurs in my mind, I will chalk it up as a bad day. What if there was another way? For example, suppose you accomplish all your work between 8 am and 1 pm. In that case, you may be evaluated for all you accomplished and say it's a good day, but if something bad occurs, let's say an email complaint or an accident, you immediately will say it’s a bad day.
What happened to everything that you were thankful for just an hour later? The truth is nothing. Our focus changes to that which annoys us.
Negative experiences can hold on to you and not let go. The truth is, their grip can be broken. For example, when an intrusive thought enters, use one of your senses to change the conversation. Ask the question, "What do you see?" or "What do you smell?" The questions move your mind in a different direction. How do you battle intrusive thoughts and focus on the good events in your day?