Resisting Political Propaganda

I notice that political ads distort the facts about what an opponent has done and predict a dark future for all of us if they other person is elected.

 For example, I saw an ad that listed off all the crimes committed by people allegedly freed by Kamala Harris when she was attorney general for the state of California, and then ended with calling her dangerous San Francisco liberal who is bad  for the country.

This is hyperbole and propaganda. It has nothing to do with if the person has the competencies to do the job. 

 Practically speaking the Attorney General is not involved in prosecuting specific cases, nor does the attorney general release people with the intent that they will go commit more crimes. 

I wish for a media that doesn’t use hyperbole and propaganda. It’s a wish I will never get. I can choose to get angry about political ads or I can decide to turn away from them or watch them and notice when I am given them too much time in my mind.

My call to action is to be an observer of my self-narrative around political ads or political discussions. This choice keeps my inner life healthy. As we approach the elections and are bombarded with ads and talking heads what choices will you make to contribute in a healthy way?

Steven Thompson