Keep Moving!
Typing words onto a page is not that hard. You find the letters and press the buttons, and poof, you have words on a page.
What is difficult is deciding what to write about. For me, it isn’t a lack of ideas. Instead, my mind churns out ideas by the second.
Most of them are undeveloped and usually just topics or a few sentences. With a little bit of hope and faith, they can be developed into a piece of work that I will feel good about posting to my blog.
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions. The truth is, if I want to post every day during the year, I have to start typing words onto the page, even when I am tired, grumpy, or agitated.
It is the only way. If I wait for the perfect mood, time will pass, and I will miss my deadline and not hit my goal.
So I type and put words onto paper, and then poof. Finally, the story is done and ready to post.
It is the only way that I know how to get done what I desire to accomplish.