Move past it.

When do you get annoyed? What annoys you? How do you rebound from it? I will admit, I get annoyed from time to time, and it is easier to ruminate over it than to change my thought patterns and move on.

This isn’t helpful because unchecked annoyance can lead to bitterness, anger, and chronic stress. So it is worth the effort to move past being annoyed and move into another way of being.

Now it isn’t just moving from being annoyed to being happy. Life isn’t always the smell of cinnamon rolls and coffee floating above a shop a few days before Christmas.

So in these times, when bitterness is rising, you just need to put in the work. Here are some tactics that work for me.

1. Name and object recognition- Look around your environment and name objects and the color.

For example- I am sitting at my desk, saying, black monitor, black computer mouse, blue notebook, red chair legs.

Now, after five or six items, you are thinking about something other than what annoys you.

That is just one tactic to move away from annoyance and into another way of thinking.

What works for you? What do you try? Or do you just stay annoyed and upset?

There isn’t a right or wrong answer, just our way of being and showing up in the world.

Steven Thompson