“Navigating Today’s Worries: A Seven-Step Strategy for Overcoming Anxiety and Embracing the Present

My worries about a situation prevent me from accessing the tools and resources I need to deal with the situation. I can make the situation go away by ignoring it. I can pray for a favorable outcome. It reminds me of Matthew 6:34. To paraphrase, Jesus says don't worry about tomorrow but focus on today's troubles. It is easier said than done, but the effort is worth it. In the morning, worries about the future arrive; taxes, cars, children, living situations, and health flood the brain. The truth is that along with those worries are the daily concerns, traffic, work assignments, creative pursuits, and real-time financial decisions. If the thoughts of the future are allowed to hang around, what strength do I have to deal with the current problems? A deep breath, a to-do list, and a refrain are all possible. The first step is to just acknowledge. I am worried. The second step is to take a deep breath. The third is to admit that you can't deal with everything now. The fourth is to plan for the day, devoting time to what I can accomplish. The fifth is to ask, how can I make today fun? Number six is to ask me what I am thankful for, and seven. Who can I help today? Worry and troubling thoughts will not go away, but the resources exist to deal with them; what will you do today when confronted with worry?

Steven Thompson