
How do you manage frustration? I thought about it briefly as I experienced being upset. Frustration is a moment in time, but turns into an event when I allow it to sit inside of me. My goal is to allow it to pass through me and out the other side. Perhaps being aware that frustration is a growing event inside of me shouldn’t be a source of more frustration. What I mean by this statement is this. I will be upset with myself for being irritated. 

  A different choice is to be thankful that I realize that I am disappointed. Once I understand that the feeling churning and turning is disappointment, now I have the freedom to address it. So I stop and take a deep breath. I count to five as I breathe in. I count to ten as I breathe out. My desire is that the event the caused the frustration will magically disappear . Unfortunatley this will not occur. The acknowledgement. The stopping. The breath are all designed to chart a path forward and create hope in the future. Anguising events will continue to occur

Steven Thompson