Phantom Fears

Is it possible to be afraid of something, but in reality, you are afraid of nothing? Sounds confusing. Allow me to unpack a bit. I am afraid of writing about controversial issues; I fear that people will criticize me or make fun of me, and then I could lose friends and financial opportunities. So I am afraid of something. I have seen it happen. We see countless celebrities, sports figures, and business people say things that see them on the receiving end of many criticisms. So that is the fear of something. On the flip side, it is really a fear of nothing. I have many blog posts, youtube videos, and podcast episodes, and this has yet to happen to me. So, I fear something that does not exist in my world. On the off chance that it does happen, I can select how I respond. This is the same for all of us as creativity. Ask yourself what are you afraid of? Is it something, or is it nothing? It could be a combination of both. Decide to move forward anyway

Steven Thompson