Effort and Results

Effort doesn’t always equal results. We see evidence of this all around. For example, you can have a GPA well over 4.0 and not get into the college you desire. You could have an undefeated college football season and still not make the playoffs. The flip side is that the only way to get the desired results is to put forth effort. If the novel is not published, fantasize about it on the couch. It gets published by appearing at your desk, coffee shop, library, or office and grinding out words. That effort doesn’t mean you are going to produce a bestseller. The effort is still worth it, even if you don’t get the desired results. Perhaps it’s time to redefine and examine what results are and what we are looking for? Results come in many shapes and sizes. Our society honors and values money, popularity, and size. What are some other results that we can pursue?

Steven Thompson