The end of break
Today is the last day of break. I turned on my work phone and checked my work email. My auto-reply is on until early tomorrow morning, but winter break is over for all intents and purposes, as educators live for breaks, Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, Spring Break, and Summer Break. Since I am a school administrator, I don’t get a long summer break, but I am thankful for the time off I get, even the normal holidays that come during the year we have off. I am the same person I was as a child; I loved winter break and was sad when it was over.
What is different now is that I connect to the purpose behind my labor. I also realize that my posture towards time off is my choice. If I dread going back to work or am upset or discouraged, it is up to me to do something about it. I am not going to quit; I am not going to stay home tomorrow. I am going to work. This is what adulting is. Fulfilling the responsibilities you have to yourself and to others. Even when I would rather be doing something else, it is important for me, in these times, to turn to gratitude and goal-setting.