Special Clothes

There was once a white sweater that I owned in undergrad- my first attempt at grad school that stood out to me. It may be my sweater or one I borrowed from a friend and never returned. My memory is failing me. Anyway, after a while, I would turn to this item of clothing whenever I needed to stay up late to write a paper for a class. Mind you, this was a very bad habit. Waiting until the last minute, to pull an all-nighter to write a paper I had procrastinated on for weeks, wasn't good. But if I had to do it, then I might as well enjoy it. The reason for this discussion is today's question: write about a piece of clothing you have owned at any point in your life. What about it stands out? What stood out about this white sweater? It symbolized my early attempts to enjoy  hard and difficult aspects of work .Writing papers wasn't fun, but looking forward to putting on the sweater, grabbing white castles to eat, then drinking coffee as the paper came together was fun. I didn't realize it was a form of self-care at the time. Clothing can be a healthy way to reframe and manage stressful situations. Are there any items of clothing you own that stand out to you?

Steven Thompson