Childhood Opinions
As a child, I believed that individuals who appeared in the newspaper and on television and were in positions of power were better than me. This was an opinion I have had that has changed since I was a child. As I have grown up, I have discovered that the outcomes I desire and the ability to pursue those outcomes are two different entities. As a child, quantifying success meant looking at money, prestige, and status as indicators that someone had made it. The qualities of service, gratitude, and generosity were for people who just couldn’t make enough money. Of course, as a child, my goals and thoughts were around making as much money as possible. Now these were thoughts that were confined to my inner world. As an adult, I still want to have a lot of money. The difference is that I have seen that money and the acquisition of it doesn’t elevate a person up the ladder of success, and it doesn’t mean that a person is better. As an adult, I know we all have gifts and talents. The hope is to have a place to contribute and a willingness to serve others. Even in the darkest of situations, there are blessings we can give to others and gifts we can cherish. Reflect on your childhood opinions and share what you have changed over time.