Under the Bed
It is interesting going through these questions and wondering who these posts are actually for? How do I build a connection from my daily writing? If I can’t answer these questions, then I should not be writing a daily blog. Even then, why do I think that the ability to answer two questions generated by a person I have never met somehow is the price of admission to be granted permission to create? It isn’t. It is something I created in my head, and the person who came up with these questions most likely didn’t create them as a permission slip to creativity. So on to the question. If I looked under your bed, what would I find?
If you looked under my bed, you would find some socks, underwear, water bottles, and maybe a book or magazine that slid underneath. A question that is easy to answer is your permission slip to be creative and share your work. If we desire the opportunity to create and put our work out into the world, it is present for each of us. All we need to do is sit down, type, edit, and post. Our creativity should not be hiding under a bed, forgotten. Do you have anything under the bed that must be in the open?