The moral high ground

How do you determine who has the moral high ground? Or does it even matter? People attempt to point to a specific point in history to make the point that at one time, we were moral, and today, morality has sunk to a level where we need rescue. The statement sounds true. Suppose your only interaction with history is movies and tv shows devoid of violence and cursing. In that case, it is reasonable to draw that conclusion. Still, venture into the newspapers of the day. You will find murders, rapes, robberies, crime, and corruption throughout our history. So how can we claim the moral high ground? Why do we even attempt to claim the moral high ground? Is it safe to save that some of us are trying and failing while others aren’t? Still, some are deceived and believe they are moral but aren’t at all. Which one are you? Is there another category we aren’t even aware of?

Steven Thompson