
What virtue do you want more of in your life? I had to search for virtues to see what I needed more of. After viewing a list of five virtues, I decided I needed more Temperance. Temperance was described as having self-control and balance over one's desires and emotions. For me, this is directed at my inner life. When I observed my thinking and how my mind works internally, I discovered I was entering into situations with a strong negativity bias and a fear that something bad would soon occur over my decisions. The first step is to acknowledge that this is how my mind functions and not judge or criticize myself. The second step is to pause, then ask what I want to bring to this situation. For example, finances. I can look at my budget sheet and complain, fret, worry, and think up a catastrophe, or I can decide to enter into the discussion about finances with an attitude of, let's look at this step by step and work on a solution. In addition, I need to remind myself that I can develop positive habits. This is how I am working on adding the virtue of Temperance into my life.

Steven Thompson