Small steps
“Alexa set a timer for five minutes.” This is how I start my daily writing sessions. I committed to writing for five minutes a day in January and sharing what I write on my blog. This is a good way to jump-start my writing for the year. I plan to add five minutes each month until I hit 30 minutes in June. At that point, I will evaluate my progress. As the months go on, I plan to keep up with the five minutes and sharing on my blog, and then the other time will be devoted to my novel writing. I published a novel in 2020 and another in 2021. I had a goal of publishing in 2022, but I started a doctoral program. After completing six months of my program, I feel I have a good grasp on scheduling myself to do this. I look at my daily writing as self-care. A way to have a creative outlet that gets me away from the worries and concerns of my career and the upcoming assignments in my program. Small goals work out well for me. I do have the temptation that five minutes a day isn’t long enough. I move away from those thoughts and toward being satisfied with setting a goal for myself and being consistent in meeting it. Think about your goals instead of abandoning them; what small tweak do you need to make them more obtainable for you