Distracting Thoughts
Distracting thoughts. How do they play a factor in your day? What actions do they engage in? For example, do you have one thought that continues to move around in your mind over and over? It is a distracting thought if it isn’t connected to the task in front of you. Here is what I mean. You could be completing a form for a financial transaction. Your hands are engaged in filling out the lines with the information requested. Still, inside your mind, your thoughts and inner voice are responding to a social media post you saw. This is a distracting thought. At this point, you need to reflect and make a decision. What activity is more important to you and your life? Only you can answer that question. In the example, I listed above, the financial paperwork is more important. When I complete the document and submit it. I will receive something I need. It could be a loan for a car, a mortgage, a new bank account, tax forms, etc. These items will have a significant impact on myself and my family. Now back to the thought. The comment about a social media post, not so much. It doesn’t impact my day-to-day.
Dealing with distracting thoughts and activities begins by identifying and labeling them as such. What is distracting you today?