"Adversity's Silver Lining"

What does the journey produce inside of you? The emotions typically are anxious, and the stories involve disaster and making plans to overcome the impending doom. For example, I had a flight with an airline I had never flown. When I got to the airport, my flight was not on the board. Instead of walking to a gate, I took a shuttle to another part of the airport. Once off the shuttle, I had to go to the international booth, and from there, I was guided to my gate. Once at the gate, the sign for my flight had a different city listed. I began to beat myself up for choosing a discount airline. The truth was that other people made mistakes that had nothing to do with my selection. The anxiety I experienced and the stories I told could have been redirected, and instead of conjuring up the worst, what if I began to say to myself, it is going to be ok? Pick a positive decision that you make and build around that. For me, I consistently arrive at the airport early. By arriving early, I don’t need to worry about missing or rushing for my flight. So, instead of beating myself up for the choices I made, I will instead acknowledge the positive choices I made.

Steven Thompson