Sunday Scaries
I learned a new term today. The Sunday Scaries. Apparently,this is the looming dread that occurs on Sunday before you head back to work on Monday. The article I read even said that 80 percent of professionals experience it! Even though I create optimistic content, I will admit that internally I am very pessimistic. As soon as I read about the Sunday Scaries, I could relate to the feeling. So what to do about it? The recommendations are to change your schedule, rearrange your routine, or do something special on Monday. Leaning into that concept, my goal for tonight and the rest of the week is to not use a device an hour before bed. Multiple readings have suggested that ending your device use before bed is beneficial. So why not try it and see what happens. Do you experience the Sunday Scaries? If so, what can you try to diminish its impact on your day? Together we can make Sunday less scary