Faith in Humanity
At work, a student was experiencing symptoms of having an intense seizure. The 911 operator told me to keep her breathing. Outside, the student was sitting in a chair, and her counselor was sitting with her holding up her head, while another student wiped her mouth. Her teacher was on the phone with her mother. I had our receptionist print out her demographic information for the paramedics. The ambulance arrived, and the other teacher in the room was returning from break; she jumped in, switched out the counselor, and began holding the head of the student while one of the EMTs asked about the episode. The paramedics eventually took the student to the hospital. One teacher jumped into the ambulance and rode to the hospital with the student. This is an example of an event that I witnessed that has strengthened my faith in humanity. In this situation, the focus was on the student. The teacher didn’t need to be told by me to get into the ambulance; the counselor didn’t need reminding to pick up the teacher at the hospital. There wasn’t anyone saying this wasn’t my job. Despite what we read in the newspaper daily about abuse, theft, and historical injustice in the same world, some people are dedicated to doing good. Look for them, then answer this question. What have you witnessed that has strengthened your faith in humanity?