Fear and Fun

Fear or Fun. It is a choice. You can lead by fear, or you can lead by fun. On the surface, fear-based leadership seems to be the correct path to pursue. You need to be prepared if something goes wrong. A leader needs to be serious. Fear is strength. Individuals want strength in their leaders, correct? 

 Behind fear lies self-preservation and constant avoidance of punishment or criticism. Fear leads you away from compassion and generosity and works in tandem with anxiety and births toxicity.

 How about fun? Fun looks at a challenge and decides to tackle it not with irreverent immaturity but with a calm, rational approach with gratitude, knowing that the effort invested in working towards a resolution will lead to gratitude, generosity, and compassion. Fun births joy. Fear births anxiety and dread. Fun is hard. Fear is easy. Internally, holding on to fear and expressing joy outwardly is easy. In the end, it is a choice. You can choose fun, or you can choose fear. Perhaps even both.

  • What path is best for leaders?

Steven Thompson