Hero: More than a sandwich.
The question for today is, who are your heroes? My first action was to examine the definition of the word hero. A nice meaning of the word contained the statement that a hero can be a fictional, historical, or ordinary individual who positively impacts the world for the greater good of society. It also says the hero displays courage, selflessness, and noble qualities. In this case, my heroes could be athletes, historical figures, and fictional characters. Upon reflection, they didn't spring to mind initially. The first two people that came up were my mom and dad. My mom passed away when I was 35, and my dad when I was 17. Even though I didn't have much time with my father, his impact on my thinking, decision-making, drive, and determination is inside me. The example of how to be a caring, compassionate, hard-working individual came from her. I admire historical figures and fictional characters, but they don't pour into me. In fact, they don't even know me. So it is interesting to reflect on why we choose heroes. More importantly, I desire to be a hero, not for the praise and applause but for having the qualities of selflessness, sacrifice, and seeking to make it better for others around me. This is my hope.