At times these questions cause me to struggle. The question for today is one of them. What is most important to you? It is a hard question that demands one answer, but I have many important things to me, and they came at various points in my life. From 0-30, I was a single man, then at 30, I got married, so at that point, my wife became very important to me. At age 37, I became a father; my son is very important to me. Obtaining my three educator licenses was important; getting baptized and becoming a Christ follower is equally important. It is interesting how my mind works. This is a challenge that I am participating in voluntarily, but deep down, there is an expectation of being graded. My approach to answering the question in my own way leaves me feeling that I am doing something wrong. I am not being graded, and I am not doing anything wrong. I need to do creative work on my own terms for my developing audience in my own way. Perhaps not the most important, but it is very important to me.