
What is one of the kindest things someone has ever done for you? I have been blessed to have many kind people in my life. These individuals have supported me throughout my life. To isolate it down to one is challenging. The selection of one gives the impression that it is better than the others. This is only my perception, and I must remind myself am free to choose. What came to mind was when my wife bought me a gingerbread latte to church one morning before she was my wife. I was helping with the setup in the morning before service, and she came in with the drink. At the time, the gingerbread latte was my favorite seasonal drink. Each year I would look forward to ordering this drink. Sadly Starbucks has not offered this drink during the holidays. Hopefully, it will return soon. This act of kindness is a special moment between my wife and me that I cherish and am thankful for.

Steven Thompson