
Ask your own question. When I turned over the card today, those were the words written. I will admit that after 20-some-odd days of answering questions from the deck of cards, I wasn’t prepared for this. It should be easy enough to generate my own question. I scratched my head and then thought for a bit. Hmm. Ok, here we go. What is challenging about being an independent contact creator? One challenge I face as an independent content creator is how long it takes to build a following around my work. It is tempting to look around and see people having success as content creators and look down at your own work. It is also tempting to conclude that since the success isn’t coming or the audience isn’t growing, this isn’t meant to be, and you should quit. This is an option, a possibility, but why? Seth Godin did a great post today that encouraged me. He said as long as you have the resources and resolve, you should keep going and showing up day by day. I have the resources I need to create content, but what I need to continue to generate is the resolve to continue to show. Resolve isn’t a magic trick; it is just deciding to return daily.

Steven Thompson