
Thanksgiving is here. A day to express gratitude for what we have been provided with. It is a day of hope, connection, and simple joys like football games, turkey, pie, and movies. On a day like this, it is tempting to compare your life with the lives of others. Social media makes this possible. You can see the pictures others put up and believe that you aren't good enough and lack something. Avoid this today. I aim to avoid the media and enjoy the people before me. It also is important to remember and serve someone in need. If you go out, tip well and be nice to the wait staff, the concession workers, the valets, and the service workers who are away from their families. Their efforts make our days enjoyable. Take some time to write out a list of what you are thankful for and acknowledge those you love and support. If you pray, offer support for those suffering, and be present with those you love

Steven Thompson